Exchange accumulation roller chain
Removal of the inlay plates (if present)
Removing the protective plate over the housing
Remove the top cover/lid of the housing (optional, but makes work easier)
Release the chain tension, i.e. completely slacken the chain. There are different types of chain tensioners
Remove the sprocket bolts, as this is the only way to turn the sprocket
Sprocket should remain loose but not be removed
Open the chain, preferably at the location of the chain lock, marked by a red roller or red paint on the corresponding link
Alternatively, open chain with chain breaker
Remove chain
Pull in new chain
Cut the chain to length, as short as possible but as long as necessary; it should be possible to guide it over the sprocket again.
Prepare the chain lock by applying a red ring to the KST roller and painting it red
Lock the chain with a chain lock
Reattach the sprocket with its bolts, a thrust washer must be placed under each bolt
Restore chain tension