Error codes
- Runtime error (562001)
- Motor protection switch triggered (562020)
- Connection failure to the server (562000)
- Hardware error (562002)
- Bus communication error (562003)
- Remote maintenance active (562004)
- "Hardware error (Error code: '{0}') (562005)
- Failsafe PLC module passivated (562006)
- Emergency stop activated (562021)
- Error frequency converter (562022)
- Warning frequency converter (562023)
- Fuse triggered (562024)
- Error Air conditioning unit (562025)
- Error controlling unit (562026)
- Filter almost full (562030)
- Filter full (562031)
- Pressure switch triggered (562040)
- Phase monitor triggered (562041)
- Positioning error (562042)
- Energy supply (electricity, air) interrupted (562043)
- Battery voltage low (562045)
- Temperature high (562045)
- Safety enclosure opened (562060)
- Safety enclosure could not be locked (562061)
- Safety light grid interrupted (562062)
- Safety enclosure could not be unlocked (562063)
- Interlock for required actuator movement active, movement stopped (562080)
- Crash for actuator detected (562081)
- End position error: Basic position not reached (562090)
- End position error: Basic position not left (562091)
- End position error: Working position not reached (562092)
- End position error: Working position not left (562093)
- Error indexing table (562110)
- Axis limit reached (562120)
- Axis not in safe area (562121)
- Axis not homed (562122)
- Handling error: Error on gripping part (562200)
- Handling error: Part lost (562201)
- Clear unit (562202)
- Handling error: Tray lost (562203)
- Handling error: Level / slot '{0}' is empty (562204)
- Handling error: Level / slot '{0}' is full (562205)
- RFID TAG is empty (562210)
- RFID TAG is not readable (562211)
- RFID TAG is not writeable (562212)
- Station not ready (Timeout) (562220)
- Congestion in material flow (562230)
- Recipe not found (562400)
- Recipe change requested (562401)
- Automatic mode enabled (562440)
- Automatic mode disabled (562441)
- Manual mode enabled (562442)
- Manual mode disabled (562443)
- Setup mode enabled (562444)
- Setup mode disabled (562445)
- Main switch off (562450)
- control switched off (562451)
- Forewarning limit reached (562540)
- Full (562541)
- Carrier request failed (562542)
- Serial fault (562560)
- Retention ring lost (562561)
- Unable to detect brush package. Check sensor system and product data record. (562562))
- Station not empty. Please remove part manually. (562563)
- Part not available (562564)
- Part too much (562565)
- Part not placed correctly (562566)
- Pin missing (562567)
- Error machine empty run (562580)
- Transport not in working position (562600)
- Transport not empty (562601)
- Golden sample test running (562620)
- Golden sample test failed (562621)
- Golden sample missing (562622)
- Test not ok (562623)
- Clear PCB gripper (562900)
- Clear tray gripper (562901)
- Remove tray (562902)
- Tray full (562903)
- PCB is missing (562904)
- Grip PCB failed (562905)
- Position correction failed (562906)
- Empty tray needed (562907)
- Check NOK position (562908)
- Tray stack height invalid (562909)
- Inputs simulated (562910)
- Outputs simulated (562911)
- Robot not in Auto Mode (562912)
- Robot teach pendant enabled (562913)
- Robot in step mode (562914)
- Unload transport (562920)
- NOK depot missing (562921)
- Robot not at valid preposition (562922)
- Robot movement interlock active (562923)
- Error at robot (562930)
- Warning at Robot (562931)
- Critical Error at robot, reboot needed (562932)
- Transport width adjustment: Requested width too big (562523)
- Transport width adjustment: Actual width too narrow (562520)
- Transport width adjustment: Actual width too big (562521)
- Transport width adjustment: Requested width too narrow (562522)
- Magazine: Wrong magazine number (562500)
- Magazine: Inconsistent data (562501)
- Magazine: Locking plate for removal is not opened (562502)
- Magazine: Pcb missing (562503)
- Magazine: Pcb too much (562504)
- Magazine: Incorrect magazine width (562505)
- Part is still in the gripper (562506)
- Part is still in transport (562507)
- Part is still in external machine section (562508)